Wednesday, November 5, 2014

It's pretty much Tradition now...

For WEEKS Matt has been itching to get back up to Vogel to hike to the lookout point of Blood Mountain.  We did it several (maybe two?) years  ago and Matt remembers it fondly.  (I remember it realistically...four kids.  One dog.  Six miles of climbing a mountain...the last mile of which was filled with panic over whether we would ever see a familiar landmark again.  I think I actually started to wonder if we could make a meal of Chassie.  Don't tell her.  Matt's recollection of the trip is slightly more rose colored)  However!  Matt starts getting all twitchy and wild-eyed if we don't get him into the great outdoors often enough, so we piled into the car and headed north.  This time the kids were older and the dog was too old (and probably knew what I was thinking the last time) to go, so we let her stay home to guard the house.   I was cautiously optimistic that this trip was going to really be a great hiking experience (not to mention that this time I packed enough granola bars and breadcrumbs to ensure that we made it back off the trail and into the car in good time.)

The trip WAS good.  It was a family retreat and we all enjoyed the time together.  And there was SNOW!!  Lots of snow!  In early November!  It was a little chilly but for the most part the temperature was mild enough...and we got many  pictures thanks to Matt...who played the part of camera engineer (when he wasn't the Ben taxi-more on that in a minute.)  We brought along one of those spider tripods (the kind you can wrap around a tree limb) and we actually managed to get a few pictures with ALL of us in the picture!

Here's one I love...on our favorite rock:

A nice, normal family, right?  Ha!  Let's take a quick look a the picture that was taken just before that one...
A little background.  In order to get the shot Matt had to do some serious Olympic type work.  The camera was stationed in a nice high tree, and the photo spot was a good 10 yards (plus a huge incline) from the camera.  So...the conversation before and during the shot went something like this:
Matt: "GUYS.  This is serious. Once I press the button, SMILE.  DO NOT STOP SMILING until you see that flashy light.   EVERYONE'S CHRISTMAS DEPENDS ON THIS."
Caitlin: " Duh dad.   We got this.  Blah blah blah smile".  (Typical pre-teen talk.)  
Ben: (who loves to mimic)" YEAH DAD BLAH BLAH HAHAHAHA" (he would later regret this).

Matt clicks the button, We have ten seconds to be completely ready. He makes a flying leap into position, produces the perfect smile with three seconds to which point Ben decides to turn around to tell me something completely unnecessary like "Mommy that camera is about to flash".  And the camera clicks.  And catches Matt in the middle of a four letter word, me horrified at the use of said four letter word, and Matthew...realizing that Ben has just ruined Christmas.  Again.  Hannah and Caitlin, my rule followers, never stopped smiling of course.  

So much for nice normal family.

The rest of the pictures were better.  No more (on camera) four letter words and for the most part a happy family.  We made it to the top and pictures along the way:

The top!!  In the background is the lake...this picture does NOT do the view's beautiful!

From the top overlooking the other side...beautiful mountain view!

Ben: Wow! Is it really over so soon?
And...we made it back to the parking lot!  (no breadcrumbs necessary).  And here you see Ben's ride for the majority of the downhills.  On the uphills it was better...he rode on Matt's shoulder for those.  The boy lasted all of 1.5 miles and then decided this was cold and WAY too much work.  So we got to taxi Ben for the rest of the trip.    

This is actually at the beginning of the hike...see how happy everyone is?  Just wait.  Six miles and 35,000 Ben complaints later they won't be looking so cheerful...

It really was a good trip.  On the way home Matt and I decided that after several trips to Vogel, this was now a tradition.  Which means we'll be back next year :).  CANT WAIT...;)

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Today Was a Good Day

Fall really is our favorite time of year...the air has a slight chill in it but the sun is still warm enough to keep it pleasant.  According to mom, the light has changed, shifted in some way and made the air clearer, thinner.   We have been soaking up every second of this Fall-usually outside throwing the football or going for walks around the neighborhood.  Life is good.

Today was just a typical Fall day for us...our schedule revolved around entertaining kids, exercising the dog and making sure that the football viewing quota was met.  I started the day at the final cross country meet for St. was an absolute joy (aside from the wind) and I was so impressed with how much our runners have improved.  Helping to coach them has been a big part of why I love my job.  Good kids, awesome parents.  After the meet I came home and we decided to take the dog  up the school playground.  While there, we met up with a neighbor who has kids similar in age to ours.  Pretty soon everyone was paired up with a playmate and the grown ups got to visit (while throwing the football of course).  All good fun until the inevitable "I'm hungry" from the small one brought an end to the fun and we headed home for grilled hot dogs and frozen pizza. #lunchofchampions

Matt went for a run after lunch...I opted for the nap.  Hannah and Ben laid down (unwillingly) for a bit, Caitlin watched drawing tutorials and practiced with oil pastels while Matthew played with Charlie & Ethan.  Later on we trekked up to our favorite wings place to make sure we had the necessary supplies for gametime.  After an awesome dinner and a great ballgame it was back outside for a fire in the chiminea and more football throwing, which we did until it was too cold (and the Ole' Miss game was too interesting!) to stay outside.  Back inside we hung out, cheered on the Rebels and laughed at Matthew's crazy antics until teeth brushing/prayers/bedtime.

Minutia, all of it.  But these are the best days...nothing unusual to report; and when I'm old and gray I'm pretty sure these are the days I'll look back on as the happiest...the ones where we just lived and enjoyed the little things.  Like fires in the chiminea and throwing the football in the backyard.

Today was a good day.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

The last day of school is the best day of school....

Another school year in the books!!  Thank goodness because around here, we are all really really ready for a break.   My writing is a bit rusty since I haven't blogged in a while and any other writing I do during the school year is either a. very small words/phrases fit for preschoolers, b. hurried notes of apologies to the kids teachers about why my child failed to bring the signed form in or c. reminders on the back of my hand.   So...this may be a little scattered/boring. 

What's been going on around the Schroeder household?  Well let me first remind myself of why I write this blog...primarily I want my children to be able read it someday and gain a sense of who they are because of who they were.  So I think today it's going to be in letter order from tallest to shortest:

Dear Caitlin,
Yesterday you and I went to get our toenails painted at the local nail salon by the Vietnamese man who got so mad at you for wiggling your toes while he put your flip flop back on.  You couldn't help was tickly, but the man had done such a careful job with the lime green polish that he did not want its spoiled.  We laughed and laughed at him (but tipped double because he really did a great job:)).  I had such a wonderful time with you...and I see now that you are more than ready for middle school...pretty, mature and more secure than I will ever be.  These days your interests are with soccer though I'm fairly certain that running is going to become more important to you than soccer very soon.  You have zero tolerance for the girl drama that takes place on the soccer field and just want to get on with the game.  I love this about you.  We have been running together on Wednesday nights with the running group and I see so much of your father in are disciplined and very conservative.  I'm working on helping you see that it's okay to push yourself pace wise because you really have so much more potential than you think you do.  This will come.  You still want to be a chef but have recently started considering other career paths...professional soccer player, Olympic runner and criminal investigator to name a few.  I'm glad you are broadening your horizons...ultimately you'll be great at whatever you do.  Sometimes I worry about you shouldering too much responsibility-you always are willing to help anyone out-especially the little's-and I think you sometimes forget that you are still just a kid.  Lucky for you, you have a not much younger brother who is there to make sure you don't grow up too fast.  He brings out the best side of you...silly, crazy and fiery.  You two are lucky to have each other...all due to God's perfect timing because heaven knows if it had been up to me you might not have had ANY siblings (FYI you weren't exactly a perfect baby.  Remember all the times you tried to crawl into Matthew's crib to wake him up?  Or how you could NOT leave a neat stack of diapers alone, or how when you had nothing to paint the walls with, you made 'doo' with whatever materials you had on hand??  I could go on...)
Anyway, you are at a crossroads right now as you approach middle school.  I think there will be some heartache, but I have no doubt you'll approach anything that is thrown at you with grace and maturity.  And probably some of that fiery-ness.  It's gonna be fun to watch...

Dear Matthew,
My first son!!  In the past 6 months you have grown more than any other time in your life.  I hate to say this but it has a lot to do with baseball (sidebar: I'm just not in a super good place with baseball right now because I am pretty much a baseball widow due to the lovely coaches who schedule practice 8 nights a week and it ALWAYS GOES LATE.  Stupid baseball).  In all seriousness though, through baseball I've see you go from being a little kid who lived to cut up, to a young man, capable of leadership and excellence.  Not too long ago my heart broke for you when you didn't make a travel ball team that we all knew you were a shoo in for.  We knew it, and they knew it, but politics took it from you and it was wrong all around.  However we serve a good God who knew that a little heartbreak on the front end would lead you to a team and a coach who thought the world revolved around your pitching ability, and who became your advocate for an even bigger all-star team, which you made first round, first pick.  The only voice advocating louder than your coach's was your daddy who has said from day 1 that you had it in you to be an amazing ball player.  Of course he was right.  And he has loved every minute of those extra practices in the backyard.  I always know when you two have been practicing because daddy will come in with this glow about him and he will tell me in an almost reverent voice about your latest accomplishment.  You are making him proud, not just in your ability, but at your focus and desire to do better with every hit and every pitch.    You are making me proud too...I love to see you becoming a positive leader with your peers-cheering them on, giving them a high five after every at-bat.  You don't see it yet, but they respect you tremendously and I'm proud to say that you are more than worthy of that respect.  When I hear you talking up Catholicism to your buddy Charlie (NOT an easy thing to do, and one that takes more courage that I am capable of) I realize that you were made for big, big things.  Maybe in the world of baseball, maybe not...but either way-you have my heart and I love nothing more than the 32 times I have to tuck you in every night.  Sure I gripe, but I know the days are coming when you won't care about that anymore. 
Keep on being who you are Matthew...I love everything about you.

Dear Hannah-bo,
Where do I begin?  My sweet, sweet Hannah.  I don't think I can go a day without hearing your praises sung to the moon by someone...either the mom of your classmates, or your teachers, or the sweet lady I work with who always asks about you.  You have the most tender heart of any of the kids-the way you take care of your Tiny mouse, or the way you worry about your stuffed animals.  "mommy, I'm afraid that Stretchy isn't real" is a conversation starter that I hate.  You could spend hours taking care of those 900 zebra's and I dread the day you realize that Stretchy was only real when you believed in him.  It might break your heart for a minute but I hope that you will find another place to pour all that love and nurturing.  These days you want to be a zookeeper or a teacher.  Most afternoons that you are not playing with the zebras, you spend playing school with Ben "BEN!  EVEN THOUGH YOU JUST CAME HOME FROM SCHOOL DO YOU WANT TO PLAY MORE SCHOOL?" you always yell down.   Of course Ben is thrilled that his big sister wants to play with him so he'll always play more school.  I've watched how you play with him and you already make a fine teacher.  The class is run smoothly, starting with your calico critter calendar time, followed by a long nap and ending the day with treasure box time for a good report.  Sometimes I sit outside your door and take notes for my own class :).   You just finished with gymnastics, and of all the sports you have tried, this one seems to fit you the best.  I just hope Jefferson can provide the appropriate facilities for your talents.  You have so many girl friends and you genuinely love people and people interaction.  You take after me in that way, and you also tend to get your feelings hurt easily like me also.  We feel things more deeply than most other people...a double edged sword...hopefully you'll learn how to accept the good and let go of the bad.  Hannah my Hannah...I love you dearly and pray that school and girl drama doesn't rob you of your sweetness.  Something tells me that little will of iron that you hide will keep that from happening....and if that fails, your overprotective mother has your back :).

Dear Ben,
My baby...when daddy asks you what that is wrapped around you little finger, he's talking about me.  You have been the most difficult for me to discipline because you are so darned cute!  My favorite Ben trick is when you are doing something that you consider serious, and I make eye contact with you and smile, you start to smile back but then shut it down because this is SERIOUS business.  This happened today at the doctor's office.  The nurse lady was taking your temperature under your arm, and in your mind this was important because you might be sick and need a shot (HEAVEN FORBID)...but you saw me smiling, and we both knew it was funny because what isn't funny about an armpit??  but you totally suppressed that grin and kept right on getting that temperature taken.  And you got it done, but that tiny shard of a smile never really lost your face.  I melted.  Right now, because you are the youngest and you are a four year old boy, you have the ability to be a darling, but you also are perfectly capable of being a giant jerk to your siblings.  I get it!  You are the smallest around here and if you show the slightest bit of weakness then you just know they will be all over you like white on rice.  But you are outgrowing long as people respect your personal space you are generally okay.  You genuinely love your siblings-Caitlin is there to help you with anything, and Matthew who is so good to you-he teaches you baseball things and helps you to do the right thing.  Hannah though? Is your partner-in-crime. You two go from loving each other madly to screaming/crying/tattling on each other.  And then back to loving each other.  Within five minutes.  I think this summer is going to be a fun one for the two of you.  I hope so anyway :).  Overall you have the ability to capture the hearts of the people around you without even trying.  And usually you aren't trying which adds to your charm.  I cannot believe you are going into Pre-k next year but feel thankful that no matter where you are in school, that I get at least one more year to be where you are.  I love you, you little stink...I hope you know how lucky to have your daddy to keep you straight because if it were up to me, I'd let you get away with everything. 

Love to all,

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Had to Wait for Matt to go to work for this one...

So...about two years ago Matt was given a remote controlled airplane for Christmas.  He was excited, Matthew was excited, Ben was excited and Chassie was REALLY excited (chasing shadows of flying things is her most favorite thing ever besides treats and licking herself).  It was a very cute (manly!  Sorry!) yellow cub and looked from the box, fairly easy to fly.  Minimal buttons and switches and whatnot.  So, as soon as we could, we all trekked up to the local school/soccer field to try it out.  

The first 30 seconds went GREAT.  The plane went up, flew around, and we all got so excited that we did not realize how close we were getting to the school building.  (mind you, this soccer field is HUGE.  You have to go pretty far to get to the school building).  Somehow though, the unthinkable happened.  The airplane (COMPLETELY OF ITS OWN ACCORD I was told) flew up and landed in the gutter of the (two story) school gym.  Really high up there.  We all kind of just stood there looking at it for a while...until Ben, master of stating the obvious was like, "UH OH DADDY YOU STICKED DE AIRPLANE IN DE TOP OF DA BUILTINGGG".   Super funny now, not so funny at the time.  Matt glared at the baby and then stomped off toward the car. 

"Uh, honey?  Are you gonna just leave it?  I mean we could try to get it down?"


Supplies.  Hmmm.  I'm thinking ladder?  Maybe?  But no.  Matt, who watches way too many survival shows, comes back with a 20 foot extension cord with one of these tied to it:

and then attempts to lasso the airplane down.  And while he was able to thoroughly clean leaves and debris from the gutters (you are welcome middle school) he came no where near the airplane.  (note: I took one picture of all of this and then received the look of death so I decided to delete and retreat.  Sorry folks, no pics).  So...short story unnecessarily long...the airplane has lived up there ever since.  And Matt has sworn off of RC airplanes FOREVER.  

Except that a few months later, because we all knew that he really loved the airplane...for his birthday he got another one.  Which sat in the closet for another year.   Until finally...after months and months of Ben begging, Matt reluctantly took out of the box and charged up.  

This time?  Was WAY better.  Lesson learned, we stayed awayyyyyy from all buildings/trees/tall things and had a wonderful time flying the airplane.  Matthew brought his flying toy (air hog?) along which is very cool and very durable so the little's were able to play too....Good times!!
Prepping the plane

Chassie chasing shadows

Matthew flew his air hog right off of his head...

Caitlin's turn!

Flaps? Check.  Prop? Check.  Tongue out? Check.  

Matthew helping Ben

Hannah bo

After the airplane had had enough we did a little baseball...

Ben hasn't figured out how to keep his eyes open yet...

Da babies...

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Snow Day 2014

Cold but fun!!!!  And enough snow to get all of us out of school and work :)

Matthew unintentially attempting the split...

The snow board gave up when Matt tried to take a turn...