Wednesday, April 26, 2017

The big kids and Matt just walked out the door for an afternoon run-and as usual, Matt's agreement to take the big kids was prefaced with, "GUYS.  We are NOT going for pace.  This is NOT going to be a fast run.  We are going conversational.  THIS TIME I MEAN IT." Followed inevitably by "Yeah Dad, don't worry.  We're tired from school.  We aren't going to do that to you this time.  We have been on the trampoline all afternoon..don't worry.  We just want to go for a slow jog."  I expect that within about 45 minutes the big kids will come trotting in, barely winded, followed by a beat down old man.  "GUYS.  WHY.  I AM NEVER TAKING YOU AGAIN.  I MEAN IT."  Getting old is the worst.  (I say this but you should know that the beat down old man ran 5 miles at a solid 8:30ish pace.  So really he should not complain.)

As for the rest of us, we are just chilling here at home (my favorite).  Ben has just finished three hours of baseball practice (insert gigantic unimpressed-with-baseball eyeroll).  Two hours were spent with his regular team and the last hour was spent with the 7U All Star team.  I think it's awesome that Ben made the team.  Really!   ....but I get the definite impression that his coach does not think I am quite impressed enough.  Upon announcing that Ben had been selected my immediate reaction was a barrage of skeptical questions-how much? how far? how long are practices?...Coach was taken aback and then instead of answering my questions proceeded to tell me that this all star team was the only path to...(in whispered tones)..."the big field".  I was like, "Major Leagues?!  He's seven!"  No, no, no...the coach meant the big HIGH SCHOOL FIELD.  "It's really the only way he's gonna end up there".  So although this guy is an awesome coach, I'm afraid he and I are probably not going to see eye to eye on the importance of three hour practices on a school night.  Ben doesn't help matters though because he loves it.  The other kids were complaining about how boring it is in and Ben's hamming it up and hitting the ball with all the energy of a little boy who has been cooped up in first grade all day.  Sigh.

Hannah bo just came in from the trampoline...yes.  The same trampoline I swore we would never have.  I still have reservations, but they have had such fun on it!  It has renewed Hannah's enthusiasm for gymnastics and helped her to be more confident about trying new things.  At her last meet she did a perfect aerial-first time ever during a meet!  So this part I love.  I could watch that child do gymnastics for hours.  She is so good-and she hasn't even gotten started.  Right now she is just raw talent.  Very strong, very limber and compact but still rough around the edges.  She had some reservations about staying on the competition team next year-most of which is laziness.  She would just hang out with her zebra's at home if we let her.  But we got past that (bribery) and she is on track to start her third year on the team.  This summer she will continue to practice and her competition season will kick back up early 2018.

We are all looking forward to summer-17 more school days.  17 more early wake ups.  17 more mornings of opening car doors.  17.  And then ten awesome weeks of getting back to all the things we love-family time, outside time, pool time, and that amazing relaxed schedule.  It's going to be awesome.  Maybe a few more opportunities to catch this old thing up too....we shall see-