Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Little Pitchers...

Once again, my daughter has shamed me.  Utterly.  Evidently when you are 7-going-on-35, you lack that filter that stops you from repeating things that probably should not be repeated.  I suppose I should not be surprised at her latest stunt however; we are talking about the same child who at the ripe old age of two, steps in to a rather smelly elevator and announces that "it smews wike ASS in heyw!"  Sadly I was laughing too hard to scold...obviously something that is coming back to bite me now. 
Back to the this past weekend we were discussing The Bus.  The Bus is a subject that comes up frequently...Little C (Caitlin) does not like riding The Bus.  People are loud and the bus monitor is constantly threatening to "turn this bus right around and take everyone back to school" (Billy Madison, anyone?) So, we are discussing The Bus, and I was a little tired of the topic.  In a fit of silliness I bust out with the refrain from OutKast's "Rosa Parks" ("hush that fuss...everybody move to the back of the bus."  Shut up everyone needs a little outkast in their life).  ANYWAY...evidently this made a greater impression on my daughter than I expected.  Yesterday she came home from school and started singing it.  I chuckled a little and then told her that, perhaps we should not sing that song.  Mommy probably shouldn't have been singing it let's just leave it at that.
"OK Mommy!  But my teachers think that song is really funny!"
"Yeah, I was singing it to them in the classroom and they were laughing and said where did you learn that song."
"Ahem, and what did you say?" (please Lord don't say my mommy, please Lord don't say my mommy)
"I told them My Mommy taught me"

Great!!!  Fantastic!!! Did I mention that I cherish dreams of one day being hired at that school????  I can only imagine what her teachers are thinking....

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

6 months ago...

****NOTE:  After writing this post I realized that his 6 monthday is actually TOMORROW.  What can I say?  I love birthdays.  Read on!

We headed into the hospital-one day before a scheduled induction.  When I arrived there, I was 5cm and ready to have a baby!  I got my epidural and everything was wonderful and great and perfect...until about 9cm.  At which point, my husband will tell you that his sweet beautiful wife turned into crazy lady who should at no time be given anything remotely resembling a knife.  Because y'all, I was gonna cut someone.  Labor, in spite of the epidural, was awful.  I don't remember much (aside from pain) but I do remember screaming something close to profanity at my poor doctor.  (who may or may not have charged me for it.  the bill was pretty painful as well).  Anyway, in spite of the unpleasantness...the end result was absolutely positively worth it.  John Benjamin was born weighing 8lbs13 oz (sadly not my biggest baby) and is a joyful, amazing, beautiful boy.  Today, in honor of turning 6 months I gave him...Peas: (because I'm such a generous mommy)

He is thrilled!

Here's a close-up:

However he is a very forgiving baby and quickly returned to his normal happy self:

Happy 6 months little boy!  Despite the Peas-for-a-present your mommy loves you dearly! 

Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday, Monday

I have a confession to make.  I love love love Mondays.  Seriously.  Not because I have any fun activity to look forward to on Mondays, but because for some reason I am very productive and motivated on Mondays.  I don't know whether it's because the kids are back at school and Matt is back at work, so I have a relatively empty house or what...but I really look forward to them.
Today was no exception-I got up this morning, and by 9:30, I had Pea's sheets changed (note: Pea is our nickname for Hannah.  She was Pea in the Pod before she was born, so naturally she is now Pea), two chicken-pot-pies made for school night dinner this week and the kitchen and living room immaculate.  Then it was off to WalMart (ew.) where I managed to finish off the last of Matthew's birthday shopping and to find  gifts for the birthday parties this weekend.  I have to admit though...after Wal-Mart I was pretty pooped so when the babies took a nap I wasted a good hour on one of my favorite guilty pleasures-going through my new Southern Living.  Now, in case you have been given the wrong impression here...I am NOT Martha Stewart.  Not even close.  90% of the time my house is a wreck, my hair is not combed and the babies are running around in their pajamas at three o'clock in the afternoon.  I think this is why I do love my Southern Living allows me to enjoy, vicariously, a life where things are always tidy, the seasonally correct plants are always being planted and a homecooked meal is in the oven.  All in the comfort of a perfectly decorated home.  This, however is a more realistic picture of our life:

This was a card given to me by my in-laws and I love it so.  It lives on my refrigerator and makes me smile.  The inside reads, "Only the strong survive"  ha! 

I see that I have once again rambled completely off topic (get used to it) and I think it's time for a glass of more later (I have my priorities!)

Monday, January 18, 2010


Today I read this article and it really made me realize how blessed I am to be able to stay home with my babies.  As much as I love teaching, and can't wait to start my career, my heart will always be with my babies.  They will always come first.  I am so grateful that Matt, by the grace of God, is in a situation that allows him to support all of us.  I spend way too much time griping about how tough my life is with four kids and whatnot, and I guess I forget how fortunate our family is.  I hope I can live up to, and be grateful enough, for the blessings I've been given.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Up and Running...again.

Welcome, welcome!  I have finally decided to stop being such a slacker and blog.  About the move...I decided I needed a fresh start-that last blog was just not doing it for me.  I have decided that this new one will be a hybrid of my last two...a little bit of my personal ramblings mixed in with what's happening here at the crazy Schroeder household.
A little bit of background for those who don't follow us closely-I am a 28fixin'tobe29 year old mom of 4 kids-Caitlin is 7, Matthew is 5fixin'tobe6, Hannah is 2, and Ben is 6 months.  I am a stay at home mom, and keep myself sane by going to school in the evenings (I am working on my Masters to teach. I am sure you will hear much much more about that but I'm about sick of school for the moment, so lets talk about something else).  Matt, my amazing and wonderful husband does work for small businesses in addition to being a regular candidate for father of the year.  We live in a small town in Georgia and love it.  Most of the time :).
I am super excited to be back to blogging...and so glad you made it!  Come back often-I'm not a consistent blogger, but I do my best.