Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Little Pitchers...

Once again, my daughter has shamed me.  Utterly.  Evidently when you are 7-going-on-35, you lack that filter that stops you from repeating things that probably should not be repeated.  I suppose I should not be surprised at her latest stunt however; we are talking about the same child who at the ripe old age of two, steps in to a rather smelly elevator and announces that "it smews wike ASS in heyw!"  Sadly I was laughing too hard to scold...obviously something that is coming back to bite me now. 
Back to the this past weekend we were discussing The Bus.  The Bus is a subject that comes up frequently...Little C (Caitlin) does not like riding The Bus.  People are loud and the bus monitor is constantly threatening to "turn this bus right around and take everyone back to school" (Billy Madison, anyone?) So, we are discussing The Bus, and I was a little tired of the topic.  In a fit of silliness I bust out with the refrain from OutKast's "Rosa Parks" ("hush that fuss...everybody move to the back of the bus."  Shut up everyone needs a little outkast in their life).  ANYWAY...evidently this made a greater impression on my daughter than I expected.  Yesterday she came home from school and started singing it.  I chuckled a little and then told her that, perhaps we should not sing that song.  Mommy probably shouldn't have been singing it let's just leave it at that.
"OK Mommy!  But my teachers think that song is really funny!"
"Yeah, I was singing it to them in the classroom and they were laughing and said where did you learn that song."
"Ahem, and what did you say?" (please Lord don't say my mommy, please Lord don't say my mommy)
"I told them My Mommy taught me"

Great!!!  Fantastic!!! Did I mention that I cherish dreams of one day being hired at that school????  I can only imagine what her teachers are thinking....


  1. They're probably thinking, "she sounds like an awesome mom, one that would be really fun to work with!" ;)

  2. BAHAHAHA I laughed so hard!! Outcast huh???
