Monday, February 1, 2010

Rookie Mistake

Today's lesson:  No matter how tempting it might be to take your kids to the pet store on a rainy cold Saturday-DON'T DO IT.  Go to the library instead.  Seriously.  We made that mistake this weekend and ended up broke and with two more little responsibilities here at The Shoe. 


and Coconut (both dwarf hamsters)

(confession: i love them and think they are adorable.  I am clearly a glutton for punishment.  Plus, the look on the kids faces when they found out we were getting them hamsters was totally worth any future inconvenience.  Remind me of this when I am ready to flush them).

Matt and I got them out for the first time last night and it turns out that Rosie is a bit of a jumper-she managed to escape from him and there was a very tense two minutes when we were not sure we would _ever_ be able to get her back in the cage.  Also...Coconut seems to be a bit of a bully; every time Rosie is doing something that Coconut may or may not want to do, Coconut squeaks at her, and she runs away.  Poor Rosie spends a lot of time on the wheel and can't seem to figure out why she cannot ever get away from Coconut.  We are considering moving Rosie into her own cage (can I just tell you how excited Matt is at the prospect of buying _another_ hamster cage?) 

Overall though, I'm glad we did it.  It was so much fun to experience buying a new pet with the kids.  The only one who is not thrilled is Chassie.  I think she will eat them if she ever gets the chance....

Here's another shot of Rosie eating a grape:  (that one is an eater...)

1 comment:

  1. Sucker! (says the woman who couldn't say no to Toby's cute little dog face!)

    Seriously, they are very cute!!
