Thursday, February 25, 2010

It's Potty Time

Pea is now 2 1/2...which means we are a bit overdue in the potty training department (actually it's more like overdoo, but more on that in a minute).  I kind of thought that I would wait until I had a less crazy schedule (excuse #1), and when she wasn't going to the babysitter three times a week (excuse #2), and when Matt was home to help (excuse #3).  However, all of the above  have now come and gone, so I am officially out of excuses.  It is time.  I suppose the straw that broke the camels back was this morning when (WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT) Hannah walked into the bathroom, pointed in the tub and said, "das POO".  Sadly, she was right.  There was indeed poop in the tub.  From her bath the night before.  Somehow amid all of the bubbles we (actually it was Matt.  I was jogging.  Just sayin'.) missed that little gem.  Soooooo...we figured that if she can do that in the tub, she can just as well do it in the potty. 
Fast forward to later in the day.  I made a special trip to my most favorit-est place to get Pea some big girl underpants.  I let her pick them out-which meant the gigantic pack of princess with each of the disney princesses on them.  (note: while I was there I also could not resist this).  Matt's mom and sister ended up meeting us at the Target and Hannah proudly holds up her new underpants and announces (clear as a bell and loud enough for the folks around us to hear) "I POOP TUB".  "I POOP TUB"  "I POOP TUB!!!!"  Great!!!! Thanks for sharing Hannah!"    Fortunately one sweet lady who overheard just grinned and said, 'I have two year old twins.  Nothing phases me :)"  haha!  That made me feel slightly better. 
So...let the fun of potty training begin.  Hopefully she is going to catch right on and there will be no grocery store accidents, and DEFINITELY no more tub incidents.  Wish us luck... 

1 comment:

  1. Bahahahaha!! You really threw Matt under the bus there!!! Keep us posted on the potty progress!!! Hopefully Pea will keep the new PANTIES nice!!
