Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Kid News

First of all...Ben is sitting up!!!  Finally!!  After 7 months of laying flat on his back, he decided he wanted to change the view...I think he likes sitting up much better (except when he falls over:))
He continues to grow and grow-he has recently become very interested in whatever we are eating...last night he did his best to grab a handful of spaghetti off of my plate-however after three little grabbers I've gotten pretty good at avoiding little fingers in my food. 
Ben also seems to be constantly drooling (hence the bib)-he has six teeth and about 15 more coming in-he is a little grumpy about it, but nothing too bad.  Ever since we moved him into our closet (very dark and warm thanks to a space heater) he has been sleeping through the night.  Overall he is a sweet baby-and while he likes his mommy OK, he thinks the world revolves around Daddy-whenever Matt walks into the room Ben's eyes are glued to him, willing Matt to pick him up and carry him off to do manthings.  So cute!

Pea continues to be "the bad one"...this past weekend we all went to the mall and while we were in one of the stores, we lost her.  Had the entire store looking for Hannah (they even checked outside)  It was so scary!!  Luckily Matt happened to catch sight of the tablecloth over one of the display tables shaking.  He lifted it up and sure enough...Hannah was underneath.  The shaking was caused by the fact that she was laughing so hard.  When she finally came out, she proudly announced "I HIDING-HA HA HA!"  So not funny, Hannah.  I am really regretting introducing her to hide and seek!!!  We are still working on potty training...which is NOT going well.  We seem to have hit a roadblock...she went at church on Saturday night, but refuses to go now!!!  I don't understand....
However in spite of all her naughtiness...she is a sweet little girl.  She helps me around the house and loves Matthew and Caitlin so much!!

Speaking of Matthew; I am so proud of him!  He has really progressed a lot in school-I can remember all of the teachers talking about how after Christmas, lightbulbs start to go off for the kids and they really start to "get it".  Matthew has done that and more...he is reading like a champ and his handwriting is AWESOME!!  In fact he got the class pet the other week...buddy the handwriting dog...for good handwriting.  He is about to start baseball again...and is so excited!  I think it will be so good for him to get out and get some exercise-this has been a long winter of being cooped up inside! 

Caitlin continues to be the big girl around the house...she is getting so grown up!  She can read practically anything and is constantly amazing me with all she is learning. 

 Soccer has started back up for her and she (YAY!!) got the same coach as last year.  He is so wonderful and we are hoping that he will take them to win another tournament this year!  The league that she plays in now is one that she 'tries out' for, and although everyone gets to play, coaches get to choose players in a sort of draft...and coach told me that Caitlin was his FIRST DRAFT PICK!!  I'm so proud :). 
Now, to balance all the bragging, I should probably mention that little C has also developed a bit of an attitude; she tries to sass me when she doesn't get her way and has been known to pout about not getting to wear "dangly" earrings.  Also about not having a cell phone. Really?? a cell phone?  you are 7!  But apparently all the fifth graders on the bus have one.  Caitlin will have a cell phone when she can pay for it...until then, it's a walkie talkie!  ...if she is lucky. 
Here's one of my new favorite C picture:  For those of you who remember Caitlin being a shy, reserved child...she's changed a bit-haha!
That's about all the kidnews around here...I have to go clean house; looks like all this snow today might get Matt off of work a little early :)


  1. Lovely!! Keep updating. I love it!!!

  2. Wow! I can't believe how big everybody is getting. Pea sounds a lot like Caroline. Just try not to make potty training a power struggle. I think if you just back off and don't push it, it will happen. I pushed and pushed Caroline, but she fought it. I think it was one thing SHE could control and so she did. Oh, and I did the hiding in a store trick to my mom, too. Devils, aren't we?! :)
