Thursday, January 30, 2014

Had to Wait for Matt to go to work for this one...

So...about two years ago Matt was given a remote controlled airplane for Christmas.  He was excited, Matthew was excited, Ben was excited and Chassie was REALLY excited (chasing shadows of flying things is her most favorite thing ever besides treats and licking herself).  It was a very cute (manly!  Sorry!) yellow cub and looked from the box, fairly easy to fly.  Minimal buttons and switches and whatnot.  So, as soon as we could, we all trekked up to the local school/soccer field to try it out.  

The first 30 seconds went GREAT.  The plane went up, flew around, and we all got so excited that we did not realize how close we were getting to the school building.  (mind you, this soccer field is HUGE.  You have to go pretty far to get to the school building).  Somehow though, the unthinkable happened.  The airplane (COMPLETELY OF ITS OWN ACCORD I was told) flew up and landed in the gutter of the (two story) school gym.  Really high up there.  We all kind of just stood there looking at it for a while...until Ben, master of stating the obvious was like, "UH OH DADDY YOU STICKED DE AIRPLANE IN DE TOP OF DA BUILTINGGG".   Super funny now, not so funny at the time.  Matt glared at the baby and then stomped off toward the car. 

"Uh, honey?  Are you gonna just leave it?  I mean we could try to get it down?"


Supplies.  Hmmm.  I'm thinking ladder?  Maybe?  But no.  Matt, who watches way too many survival shows, comes back with a 20 foot extension cord with one of these tied to it:

and then attempts to lasso the airplane down.  And while he was able to thoroughly clean leaves and debris from the gutters (you are welcome middle school) he came no where near the airplane.  (note: I took one picture of all of this and then received the look of death so I decided to delete and retreat.  Sorry folks, no pics).  So...short story unnecessarily long...the airplane has lived up there ever since.  And Matt has sworn off of RC airplanes FOREVER.  

Except that a few months later, because we all knew that he really loved the airplane...for his birthday he got another one.  Which sat in the closet for another year.   Until finally...after months and months of Ben begging, Matt reluctantly took out of the box and charged up.  

This time?  Was WAY better.  Lesson learned, we stayed awayyyyyy from all buildings/trees/tall things and had a wonderful time flying the airplane.  Matthew brought his flying toy (air hog?) along which is very cool and very durable so the little's were able to play too....Good times!!
Prepping the plane

Chassie chasing shadows

Matthew flew his air hog right off of his head...

Caitlin's turn!

Flaps? Check.  Prop? Check.  Tongue out? Check.  

Matthew helping Ben

Hannah bo

After the airplane had had enough we did a little baseball...

Ben hasn't figured out how to keep his eyes open yet...

Da babies...

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Snow Day 2014

Cold but fun!!!!  And enough snow to get all of us out of school and work :)

Matthew unintentially attempting the split...

The snow board gave up when Matt tried to take a turn...