Monday, June 27, 2011

Future Tennis Stars?

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…probably not.  But good summertime fun?

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

10 Weeks

At the start of the summer, I remember talking to a friend about how sad it was that the kids only got ten weeks of summer.  As we approach the mid-point of those ten weeks…I realize more and more that perhaps ten weeks is actually maybe a bit TOO much summer.  We are running out of things to do here at The Shoe, and since the pool has lost it’s charm (it’s pretty much like a bathtub now) we are in desperation mode.  So, in a move that proves my complete insanity (It seemed like great idea at the time)-I pulled out the finger paints.  As an aside: there is no such thing as FINGER paints when it comes to little children.  Because the idea of a child having enough restraint to use JUST A FINGER when there is a WHOLE POT OF PAINT?  Is ridiculous.  Let me show you what I mean:

Finger Paint Fiasco 001

The painting started out harmlessly enough…(however! notice the glint in C’s eyes that clearly states, “I’m ‘bout to start some TROUBLE!”  Wish I’d seen that before.)

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From there it escalated.  My floor did not stand a chance.

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“I did nothing.”

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Yes Matthew, that’s just what we need.  MORE PAINT.Finger Paint Fiasco 014

They kept chanting/singing, “WE ARE MAKING A MESS! WE LOVE MAKING A MESS!!”.  Pretty sure any art lesson I had in mind was lost on them. 

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In the end, this is what I was left with:

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This, and four dirty, dirty children.  They left me no choice-it was time for the hose.  I’ll teach them to make a mess of my house!

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Too bad my plan totally backfired.  They couldn’t get enough-

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Ben, who continued to maintain his innocence, said he would have no part of the hose shenanigans and would instead have a warm bath thankyouverymuch:

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So, yes.  It’s been a long day here.  I’m headed for the bottle of wine and a bath…not sure which I need more-

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Given the mild weather we’ve been having (avg. temps in the HIGH NINETIES) the kids and I have skipped the playground for the cooler pool.  Today however, due to a lack of swim diapers and green pool hair, we decided to head out to a playground nearby.  Of course…we could not go without taking Her Highness (queen of the “you’re-leaving-me-again-aren’t you” guilt face), since there were three dog parks at the playground:

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So we started out there…where Chass was able to run around, sniff and relieve herself as much as she could stand.  She also got chased:

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All in all, it made for a very tired little puppy!

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And now that the dog was worn out…it was on to the kids!

We went to the giant playground first, where there was climbing:

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…and even more climbing:

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Matthew, however was not really interested in all the climbing because he could not wait to go to the lake that bordered the playground and catch some fish with the neon green net he brought along.   ( I did not have the heart to tell him that there were probably no fish).

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It didn’t seem to bother him..he had a wonderful time anyway!

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The other kids enjoyed being able to take shoes off and enjoy the cool water:

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If they look a bit squinty it’s because they were looking up at the very bright (HOT) sun…

We did a bit more playgrounding…

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and before long…it was time to head home:

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Hot and tired…enjoying a cool apple on the ride home.

All in all it was big fun…I’m glad we went early though..the heat was crazy!

The babies (Pea, Ben and Chassie) are fast asleep right now and C and M are having some nice quiet time upstairs…life is good!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thursday, June 9, 2011


We made it to the beach!!  Matt’s conference is officially over, so his fun has begun (the rest of us have been shamelessly enjoying ourselves since we got here). 
I’m going to mostly post pictures, but I do have to mention a few things.  Firstly…Benben is swimming!  He finally decided to let go of mommy and trust the water wings.  So much so in fact, that if you try to touch him while he is “swimming” he will let you know in no uncertain terms that TOUCHING BEN IN THE POOL IS NO LONGER ACCEPTABLE WAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!  Hannah has also made major progress in the swimming department-she can swim without water wings.  She dives under and jumps in with perfect confidence and seems to understand how to tread water when she gets a bit tired.  And mommy?  Is looking forward to a summer not spent clutching a toddler in the pool.  Maybe this year my legs will see the sun. 
Caitlin and Matthew have had fun as well.  The highlight for them is always “casino night” when they get to gamble and stay out late (we are awesome parents).  Last year they had great luck and managed to bid and win an ipod, and this year was just as good.  Matthew kindly let Caitlin use his fake bidding dollars to bid on a brand new Kindle which she won!   He came away with a cool squirt gun and $60 in cash as well, so he was happy.  Daddy and Mommy enjoyed the open bar, Ben found a girlfriend and a great time was had by all. 
And I’ve saved the biggest news for last…We bought Matt a boat!!
I use the term loosely. 
St. Simons 001
However!  It is a boat (says so on the box) and therefore fulfills my obligation to put a boat in our boat garage at home.  (Matt should have been more specific if wanted a boat with a motor.  Or one that you don’t have to inflate.) 
He’s actually thrilled with the purchase and took the kids out this morning at low tide to the sandbar that is just a bit out of swimming distance.  They came back with some terrific treasures and plan to go again tomorrow-and I won’t forget my camera. 
Here are some pictures of the rest of our trip…
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Matt took the big kids and Hannah crab hunting last night-everyone found something:
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Beach fun!
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Best beach buds
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Matthew riding the waves
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The Girls digging together
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Benben trying to decide if he likes the beach.  Jury’s still out…
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We also went to the big playground here and took a few family photos…all of which (unbeknownst to me) Hannah stuck her tongue out for:
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Really Hannah?
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We posed in this tree last year…we seem to be outgrowing our seat!
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Worn out….