Wednesday, June 22, 2011

10 Weeks

At the start of the summer, I remember talking to a friend about how sad it was that the kids only got ten weeks of summer.  As we approach the mid-point of those ten weeks…I realize more and more that perhaps ten weeks is actually maybe a bit TOO much summer.  We are running out of things to do here at The Shoe, and since the pool has lost it’s charm (it’s pretty much like a bathtub now) we are in desperation mode.  So, in a move that proves my complete insanity (It seemed like great idea at the time)-I pulled out the finger paints.  As an aside: there is no such thing as FINGER paints when it comes to little children.  Because the idea of a child having enough restraint to use JUST A FINGER when there is a WHOLE POT OF PAINT?  Is ridiculous.  Let me show you what I mean:

Finger Paint Fiasco 001

The painting started out harmlessly enough…(however! notice the glint in C’s eyes that clearly states, “I’m ‘bout to start some TROUBLE!”  Wish I’d seen that before.)

Finger Paint Fiasco 009

From there it escalated.  My floor did not stand a chance.

Finger Paint Fiasco 002

“I did nothing.”

Finger Paint Fiasco 003


Finger Paint Fiasco 011

Yes Matthew, that’s just what we need.  MORE PAINT.Finger Paint Fiasco 014

They kept chanting/singing, “WE ARE MAKING A MESS! WE LOVE MAKING A MESS!!”.  Pretty sure any art lesson I had in mind was lost on them. 

Finger Paint Fiasco 016

In the end, this is what I was left with:

Finger Paint Fiasco 019

This, and four dirty, dirty children.  They left me no choice-it was time for the hose.  I’ll teach them to make a mess of my house!

Finger Paint Fiasco 024

Too bad my plan totally backfired.  They couldn’t get enough-

Finger Paint Fiasco 022

Finger Paint Fiasco 029

Finger Paint Fiasco 028

Ben, who continued to maintain his innocence, said he would have no part of the hose shenanigans and would instead have a warm bath thankyouverymuch:

Finger Paint Fiasco 030

So, yes.  It’s been a long day here.  I’m headed for the bottle of wine and a bath…not sure which I need more-


  1. I'm cracking up. I was just thinking yesterday that I might become a year around school advocate after all!
    The painting looks like fun! At least your walls maintained their original color!! Floors are much easier to clean. :)

  2. You are an amazing mom!!!! I wish I could be more like you!!!! AWESOME post!!!!

  3. Hahahahahah
    Can I please come to your seminar on raising four perfectly wonderful cheerun??

    I know you don't believe me but you are the mom that I aspire to be.

