Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday, Monday

I have a confession to make.  I love love love Mondays.  Seriously.  Not because I have any fun activity to look forward to on Mondays, but because for some reason I am very productive and motivated on Mondays.  I don't know whether it's because the kids are back at school and Matt is back at work, so I have a relatively empty house or what...but I really look forward to them.
Today was no exception-I got up this morning, and by 9:30, I had Pea's sheets changed (note: Pea is our nickname for Hannah.  She was Pea in the Pod before she was born, so naturally she is now Pea), two chicken-pot-pies made for school night dinner this week and the kitchen and living room immaculate.  Then it was off to WalMart (ew.) where I managed to finish off the last of Matthew's birthday shopping and to find  gifts for the birthday parties this weekend.  I have to admit though...after Wal-Mart I was pretty pooped so when the babies took a nap I wasted a good hour on one of my favorite guilty pleasures-going through my new Southern Living.  Now, in case you have been given the wrong impression here...I am NOT Martha Stewart.  Not even close.  90% of the time my house is a wreck, my hair is not combed and the babies are running around in their pajamas at three o'clock in the afternoon.  I think this is why I do love my Southern Living allows me to enjoy, vicariously, a life where things are always tidy, the seasonally correct plants are always being planted and a homecooked meal is in the oven.  All in the comfort of a perfectly decorated home.  This, however is a more realistic picture of our life:

This was a card given to me by my in-laws and I love it so.  It lives on my refrigerator and makes me smile.  The inside reads, "Only the strong survive"  ha! 

I see that I have once again rambled completely off topic (get used to it) and I think it's time for a glass of more later (I have my priorities!)

1 comment:

  1. So I found this blog from your post on MY blog and I LOVE IT! Your writing is so effortless, so genuine and so wonderful! I'm jealous that you have a new Southern Living - magazines are delicious... as are your chicken pot pies :). Oh and BTW ya'll are DEF invited to invade our apartment for Dick's winging, we will take the cheeren so yall can have a lil get away? (yes this is a bribe...
