Tuesday, January 26, 2010

6 months ago...

****NOTE:  After writing this post I realized that his 6 monthday is actually TOMORROW.  What can I say?  I love birthdays.  Read on!

We headed into the hospital-one day before a scheduled induction.  When I arrived there, I was 5cm and ready to have a baby!  I got my epidural and everything was wonderful and great and perfect...until about 9cm.  At which point, my husband will tell you that his sweet beautiful wife turned into crazy lady who should at no time be given anything remotely resembling a knife.  Because y'all, I was gonna cut someone.  Labor, in spite of the epidural, was awful.  I don't remember much (aside from pain) but I do remember screaming something close to profanity at my poor doctor.  (who may or may not have charged me for it.  the bill was pretty painful as well).  Anyway, in spite of the unpleasantness...the end result was absolutely positively worth it.  John Benjamin was born weighing 8lbs13 oz (sadly not my biggest baby) and is a joyful, amazing, beautiful boy.  Today, in honor of turning 6 months I gave him...Peas: (because I'm such a generous mommy)

He is thrilled!

Here's a close-up:

However he is a very forgiving baby and quickly returned to his normal happy self:

Happy 6 months little boy!  Despite the Peas-for-a-present your mommy loves you dearly! 


  1. Because I'm such a generous mommy -- HAHAHAHAHAHA! Love his expression when he's looking at the peas.

  2. AAAAWWWWWWWW!! So sweet! What a cutie too!!! Hopefully for his first birthday he WON"T get peas!! :-)
