Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Study Break

If I have to read one more sentence about language arts I will literally find a third story window and hurl myself out of it.  I'm blogging so that does not happen.  (also:  Dear Future Self: If you are considering going back to school again.  DO. NOT. DO. IT.  It bites.)

Quick, & tiny update/fun facts on the kids, plus a haircut and cousin visit:

Caitlin: Mature and helpful-Still worries when I go to school, says the best Christmas present of all this year will be mommy being done.  Im right there with you girl.  That, and finding a job!!

Matthew: Growing like a bad weed-continues to do kind things, like giving me pictures so I can think about him while I study.  Still really silly, but knows when it's time to be serious. 

Hannah: I've given up calling her The Bad One.  Not only because Ben has taken over the title but also because she is really growing up, making decisions about what she should and shouldn't do.  (not always the RIGHT decision, but at least she is thinking about it).  Also starting to play with Ben, which melts me.

Ben:  When he's good, he's very, very know the rest.  He does play well by himself and with Hannah, but when he has had it, he will do "crawlin' and cryin'".  Until you pick him up.  Matt thinks he just needs an "Altitude" adjustment. HAHA!  He is on the cusp of walking-doing bear crawl, and free standing...but still too scared to walk alone.  He'll be one in a few weeks...I'm expecting great things by then!

Also! Ben got his first haircut :(  The Bozo sidehair was getting out of control.  He took it really well, no crying or anything.  Here's before, during and after:

Before. (Do you see why I waited so long?  Look at those beautiful curls!)

In Ms. Deana's Chair

"Uh, wait.  She's gonna do what with those???"

After.  Still has some curls, but not nearly as many :(

With wet hair.  He looks all 'growed' up!

Next:  We got to have the cousins and Aunt Elizabeth come over and spend the was wonderful!  Nine kids and two adults sounds like a lot, but it actually felt like only a few-they all played together so well!  The big kids played Wii, and the little ones got to go to Sophia school:

Hannah, Sophia and Surfer boy Stephen.  Aren't they beautiful?

Big Kids playing Wii.  Alex watching :)

These were my attempts at a group shot.  I took's a funny progression:

"Smile for the camera! Yay!! Say Cheese!"



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