Sunday, January 9, 2011


Last week Aunt Ginny and Baby Richard (Or “baywishad” as Hannah calls him)  came over for a visit-the last time they came over I didn't take a single picture, so this time we were determined to take plenty!  In between photo shoots, Gin and I squeezed as much sister bonding time as we possibly could.  It was wonderful!  I wish she lived next door!

While we did manage to take a lot of pictures of Richard, we never managed to take one with all of the cousins (or any of the cousins)…someone was always either napping or at school or in the mood to hit babies (Ben)…but maybe next time.

Ginny warned me beforehand that as good a baby as Richard is (and he is an awesome baby) he has one little personality quirk…he refuses to do what you want him to do when there is a camera present. I doubted Ginny on this…surely I wouldn’t have any trouble getting a smile on camera…the kid smiles a LOT! However, she was right. I worked SO. HARD. to get a smile picture. I’d have him grinning up a storm…but just as soon as Richard saw the big black flashy thing, he was all serious business again. Not that these weren’t adorable shots…but I really wanted a picture of that sweet baby smile! Eventually I did get it, but only after an exhausting game of peekaboo…with me and the camera hiding under the table.

Here are a few of my favorite pictures:

Mommy loves the baby!!  So sweet...

Admiring his adorable reflection

I love the little hands by the chest

Getting smooched (AGAIN) by Godmama. 

Bonding with Uncle Matt

More bonding

FINALLY!!  The elusive smile for the camera!

So good that I'm posting it twice

And now, a section devoted entirely to the importance of child safety caps (brought to you by guess who?)

Now that he has mastered opening the back door, you better believe I was keeping a close eye on this situation...


  1. Yay! Thanks for posting - I wish we lived next door too!!

  2. cute pictures! glad y'all had a good visit! Richard is so good and so cute!! Speaking of cute, Ben might be the cutest kid ever!
