Thursday, June 28, 2012

So, We Had A Blast At St. Simons….

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Some of us…
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more than others…
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But!  I have lots more to blog about than just St. Simons.  However I want to post mostly pictures, so I’ll let them do the (majority of the) story telling…
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We got to see Grandpa!!  He happened to have a flight that brought him to St. Simons and so we stopped by for a tour and some treats:
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And then!!  We got to go to Gin’s house!!
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We played with Richard…
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And Paul!
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And Richard’s toys!
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‘Richard, I know it’s a minivan..but think of how many ladies you could fit in there!’
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It was so fun to visit!! 
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Cousin’s chillaxin’. 
And then…we had Casino night!!
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Hannah’s first time in the ‘Money Machine’
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Also Ben’s first time…and he’s already cheating.  (you aren’t allowed to pick the money up off the floor!).
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All the kids try to help each other out by pointing to the big money.
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And the ice cream bar was of course, a huge hit:
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As was the open bar…
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The rest of the trip was made up of swimming, crab hunting, wave riding and lots of fun:
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Caitlin & Matthew took over the camera on this one...
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1 comment:

  1. Love this post - was going to say which photo was my fav but as I went through them I couldn't decide because they are all so good! Yay for blogging - keep it up!
