Sunday, February 22, 2015

It's a Secret Y'all

Sunday supper is kind of a big deal around here.  The kids love it because we always play some sort of around the table game. The grown folks like it because it's the one night of the week that the kids are solely responsible for post dinner clean-up (aka the damn dishes) and we love the break (this blogpost is in fact, brought to you by the fact the four minions are downstairs right this minute cleaning up after a VERY messy chicken and shrimp pasta dinner.  So we have some time).  But I digress...this post is really about the game.  Lately the kids have transitioned from "the talking medal" game to "telephone".  The game where you tell secrets all the way around the table and see how it ends up when you get to the last person.  This game brings out the MAJOR sillies in the kiddos...Matt and I have repeatedly ended up with food in our ear canal because the whisperer to our left is laughing so hard as they actually whisper out partially chewed food. (Matt and I have to keep reminding ourselves that getting out of damn dishes is totally worth it).  Tonight I decided to take some pictures of the event...except of Caitlin because she has gotten really fast with her "no photo hand-to-the-face".  These pictures tell it better than I do....

Matt, pretending to understand Ben's jibber jabber and trying to figure out how to remove rotini from his inner ear.

Ben thinks this is hilarious.  Matt?  Notsomuch.

Matthew practically requires the chokehold to stay still long enough for the secret

Inevitably how the game ends....

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