Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 2 Of Summer...

...and we're already getting desperate.  Two-a-days to the pool=10 applications of sunscreen=out of the question. 

So, I am resorting to things I swore I would never do.  Case in point: turning three and a half hellions loose with a bucket of water balloons:

...and a half

They were entertained for a whole 15 minutes.  It was awesome!

Balloon Toss

Good Catch!

Hannah's attempt at throwing it TO mommy was more like AT mommy.  Coincidence?  I dont' think so. 

This picture is blurry because I was literally running away as I took it.  He meant business. 

Tomorrow is the Hamsters birthday.  Let's hope that goes better than water balloon day. 

1 comment:

  1. Water balloons are fun, but man are they a lot of work. I wonder if kids have any idea that the moms hate the sunscreen application as much as they do?
