Monday, December 13, 2010

Life Without School

After two long years I can't tell you how good it feels to say that I am DONE with school!  Given the job market for teachers right now, I'm not necessarily sure that it was the right choice, but hopefully things will open up soon and education will become a priority in the budget once again.  And while I would love to start teaching right away, I'm also not sure if its the right time for Ben and Hannah.  Hannah never really warmed up to the whole daycare thing, and while Ben did just fine, I think his behavior suffered a bit.  So while I wait for a job, I'm really quite content taking care of my babies.

I'm sitting here at the table watching Pea color and Ben try to figure out how to open the door (please, Lord don't let him figure it out!) and listening to Matthew (who is a little bit sick) play the DS.  Last night and yesterday we had a few snow flurries and the coldest weather so far this winter.  Needless to say I am grateful for my warm kitchen! 

I don't have too much news to report overall...once I get back into the groove of things and start taking pictures I'm sure I'll have more to say.  For now I'm going to post some randoms that I've taken since the last time I posted pics.

 Student teaching!  I do miss it :)
 Random one from our trip to Edisto...Pea, Pat, Betty, Art & Reese
Daddy and TheBen.  Ben spent a lot of time the backpack...he loves to be carried around. 

Thats all for now.  Computer battery dying!