Thursday, September 23, 2010

Student Teaching

Happy Thursday!

This week was my first week of student teaching and Hannah and Ben's first week of full(ish) time day care.  Not surprisingly, Ben is home sick today with a lovely virus...the daycare plague we call it :).  Just a high fever and extreme grumpiness, but nothing that some motrin, tylenol and mommy hugs won't fix!

While I do enjoy spending the extra time with the babies, I really miss school!  I have had so much fun in the past three days in my class-the kids are great and I love my supervising teacher.  This week I am just observing and getting to know the kids but next week I'll start teaching science, then move into literacy, math and then the entire day.  I'm the most nervous about math since that takes up most of the day...three hours!  The classroom I am in departmentalises math and reading so that my teacher actually teaches math to two different classes, and the kids in our class go across the hall for reading.  I am probably the most excited about my science unit-which is about Georgia habitats and animal adaptation...I have some really cool activities planned and get to create my first bulletin board!!  (shutup!  It's exciting!!)

I could write for days about this, but I'll stop here...hope y'all have a great day!!


  1. That sounds great! I can't wait to hear more about your classroom adventures!

  2. YEA!!! So glad you are enjoying the teaching!! Pass snuggles to Ben....

  3. ok so now you HAVE to post pictures of your bulletin board :)
