Thursday, September 9, 2010


Today I'll start with the youngest:  The Ben is getting so big!  At almost fourteen months, he is definitely one of the kids.  He doesn't have too many words (mama, dada...randomly.  He also does the 'da-doo' for thank you...but he does it when he gives YOU something.  Doesn't quite understand the word yet!)  but in spite of this, he still makes sure he is heard.  He is very opinionated and one of his favorite things is his shoes.  If he sees them, it's over.  He wants them on his feet RIGHT NOW.  In fact, if he had his way, this is what he would wear every day:

...maybe minus the diaper.  I think he knows that shoes=outside, and this kid LOVES going outside.  Particularly if the wagon is out there!  Nothing better than 'bumpin' up and down in [his] little red wagon'!!  He still goes to bed with a bottle (i CANT take it away.  He loves it like he loves his shoes.) and his blanket, and usually sleeps through the night.  We did finally move him downstairs, where he seems very happy.  Matt and I love having our closet back!!

Pea:  Hannah is still a little mommy's girl-but loves to 'get' daddy-she pokes him, or jumps on him...she is completely fearless!  She has recently started showing an interest in reading books, instead of having me read them to her.  Today I went in to her room during naptime, and she was laying in bed 'reading' Ms. Piggle-Wiggle-and tonight when I was trying to read to her, she took the book away and started reading it her own way! (guess mommy was not doing a good job...)  I love seeing her evolve from a toddler to a little girl!!

Matthew is doing so well at school-he has a good group of friends, and has gotten a dragon award (a schoolwide reward system) for being a good citizen.  He has mentioned having a girlfriend, but fortunately he was an unwilling party in the deal (...that's what he told his mommy anyway).  He said, "K told her friend M that I was her boyfriend and I was SO. EMBARRASSED."  As long as he stays SO.EMBARRASSED. instead of SO.ENAMOURED. I'll be okay.

 He is playing flag football again this year and seems to love it!  I caught a couple of pictures this evening during practice:

One handed push up?  He's on it. 

Future Dawg quarterback!

Caitlin continues to grow up too fast!  I mean, is this my little baby Caitlin???

Matt and I are so proud of who she is becoming every day...she is such a bright and happy child!  She does still worry a lot; whether it is about when Mommy is coming home from class, or if Daddy is going to go outside after she goes to bed-every night before bed we go through this routine:
M&ML: G'night C!  Sleep well!
C: G'night!
C: um, youre not going anywhere, right?
M, ML: Nope!
C: um, youre not going outside for anything, right?
M, ML: Nope!
C: Good!
And then, about 10 minutes after bedtime, she always comes out of her room to find out what time it is.  I'm pretty sure she's just making sure we did not actually go to Mexico :)
Overall though, she is a sweet little girl.  She and Matthew are still best friends and it's so entertaining to listen to their conversations...almost like they are speaking their own language!!

That's about all I have for now...more soon!!

1 comment:

  1. I cannot believe The Ben is 14 months old! It seems like just yesterday when we were having lunch and he was just a tiny thing! Your kids are so gorgeous and awesome. You're doing a great job, Mom!
