Wednesday, September 1, 2010


The weather has been great around here so I've been very busy with the I think I'll stick to captions to tell the story.  Warning: The pictures go from adorable to creepy....

First  up: Tallulah Gorge! 

Caitlin has gotten quite good with the camera..hardly ever cuts off our heads anymore!!

If we learned anything from this trip, it was that we need to buy a hiking backpack.  People were laughing at us...

Down the steps was the easy part!
Hannah was ready to give up
Looking down at the Gorge
Caitlin and Mommy-you can't tell here, but I am trying so so so hard not to die laughing...just a second before the shot was taken Matthew hurled a pebble...trying to get it down the Gorge.  Unfortunately Matt's forehead was in the way.  Matt was NOT amused but it was HILARIOUS!!! 
Matthew helping Pea along the trail.

The rest of the pictures are a random assortment....

Matthew is about to lose that front (your) right tooth...I wanted to capture the full set before he becomes a jack o' lantern!

Ben and the Swiffer
"Well SOMEBODY has to keep this place clean!"
Little Red Wagon=Big Fun

Squeezing in for a ride

More squeezing

Benben.  Daddy says it's time for another haircut...
Eating a "peejeyey sammach"
I tried taking it away and he buried his face in it...

On to Creepy...this morning we found this critter hanging out in the grill cover:

And what is that??
Yep!  A giGANtic black widow...ew ew ew!!
We, ahem, disposed of it.  Apparently they kill toddlers.

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures! We used to have one of those hiking backpack thingies, but we sold it a while back. Sorry! It does make a huge difference though.

    We found one of those spiders on our grill cover once too! Eek!
