Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Happy February!

It's been a very busy one for us so far and kicked off with Matthew's seventh (!!!) birthday.  We decided to celebrate with a trip to the Greenville Children's Museum.  We had only ever been to the zoo up there, but since it's only an hour and a half away we thought it would be a good family road trip.  Turns out we were right!  I took a lot lot lot of pictures...there was so much to do there!!

We started with the racecars, which everyone (except Ben) got to try out:

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Then to the “floating on air” exhibit:

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Ben got to enjoy this one!

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Then the kids insisted on climbing the giant climb-ey thing (I don’t know how to describe it any other way) in the middle of the museum.  It was two stories high!

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And then, because my children clearly don’t get enough of going to the grocery store here, they wanted to go shop at the CM Bi-Lo.  It was so cute though-they had child sized baskets and real food containers.  The kids got to shop around and then use a scanner and cash register to check out.

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When the kids realized they had to then restock their groceries..they were out of there.  Next up?  The clear glass climbing wall:

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The real car that the kids could get in a push ALL THE BUTTONS in (except the horn, which curiously was out of order…) was a big hit as well-

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Hannah thought daddy bought her a new car…

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She’s super excited. 

At this point the kids got tired of Mommy and Daddy’s methodical tour through every exhibit (‘Finish this one before you start another!!’) and just went wild.  We caught pictures as we could…

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The giant light bright!

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Down the slide in the toddler area!

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Daddy couldn’t resist playing with the crane…

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Helping the girls with the crane

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Hannah found a computer that she could not destroy.  Big disappointment!

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Ben’s favorite part was dumping rocks into the wheel barrow.  He would have stayed there the entire time if the rest of the kids hadn’t been so ADD about the exhibits!

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The water room was probably my favorite..they had the coolest toddler table which allowed Ben to sit in the water without getting too wet.  Pretty cool!!

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He could still dip his fingers in though!

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This was the big kids part of the water room…amazing!

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Schroeder Bubble!

The music room was cool but you could only stand it for about three and a half seconds.  Young children+many loud instruments+enclosed area=pain.

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Jam session with Pea and Lil’ C. 

And that concludes my exhaustive coverage of our trip to the Children’s museum.  In case you didn’t catch on…we had a fabulous time and can’t wait to go back.  After we find another kidney to sell so we can afford to take the kids again-lol. 

I have to post a few last pictures…the other night (the Superbowl actually…) the kids were all playing nicely together (yes, we bribed them with bubble gum..how else were we supposed to see the commercials?).  The girls decided to play movie star dress up (translated: Caitlin puts Hannah in the most humiliating outfit she can find and tells her she looks pretty.  Works every time).  You’ll notice that Caitlin’s clothes looks suspiciously normal…

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Let’s get a close-up of the…”movie star”":

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The boys opted for rough housing in Ben’s room…which I guess necessitates removing your shirt?  (because it’s just so darn hot in early February!)  However I got the cutest picture of the two of them…

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Sweet boys!

All right, I’m off to be as non productive as the two little’s will allow.  Wish me luck!


  1. OH MY HEAVENS this was the cutest ever!!!! I want to go to that museum with you guys someday!! How much fun!!! And that pic. of the boys is absolutely precious!!!

  2. The museum sounds like a great place to visit. I would love to take our children there someday!

