Saturday, October 15, 2011

So, We Went To the Beach…

and here are the pictures! Which I am in a hurry to post because I have some very very sweet pictures from Caitlin’s birthday celebration  (SHE IS TURNING NINE.  WHERE DID THE LAST EIGHT AND THREE QUARTER YEARS GO?) 

This year we went to Navarre Beach Florida.  One of my girlfriends who goes there every year told me the it was one of the most natural beaches around……and it really is!  However, this year was a bit more natural than we were expecting…the jellyfish were EVERYWHERE!!  But did this stop Caitlin and Matthew from getting in to collect shells?  Absolutely not!  In spite of minor stings (and a possible allergic reaction) they managed to collect a million shells and have a wonderful time in the waves. 

I would love to share some pictures of the kids with their nets collecting fish and shells and jellyfish (the latter of which they carted off to bury in the sand.  I almost felt sorry for the jiggly monsters.  Almost)  However because Ben and Hannah insisted on dragging mommy to the pool and skipping the jellyfish infested waters, I did not have much opportunity to snap pictures. 

I did however catch a few pictures during one of our early morning walks.  One of the best parts about going to the Gulf for vacation is that we get to switch time zones, which means that we never (thanks Ben!) missed a sunrise. 

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Hannah and Daddy.  Side note: Matt decided (much to Caitlin’s chagrin) not to shave during vacation this time.  That’s why he looks a bit scruffy.

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Hannah, Matthew, Caitlin.  Ben refused to leave mommy’s arms so he didn’t make the kid photo.

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I fixed my hair for the occasion.

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Mommy and TheBen.  Sunrise in the background.


During the week we went to the “Gulfarium”, (THANK YOU NANA AND DEE!) which had sea life much fun for the babies!

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Zach the dolphin…who’s show inexplicably made me cry. ( Also not the first time.  I think it’s because growing up I always wanted to be a dolphin trainer.  Turns out I was not smart enough.  Also turns out that training kids is a very close second Smile)

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Seals Sea Lion, balancing a soccer ball on her nose

We also managed to find a playground that was just over the bridge.  It had a duck pond, a dock and two play sets.  Big fun for everyone!

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My sweet girls

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Matthew and Mama feeding the seagulls


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Daddy and TheBen

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He slides by himself these days Smile

We also found a restaurant on the beach that served kids meals in bright pink frisbees  The meant lots of after-dinner fun!

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Pictures at Sunset:

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My shy girl-ha!

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…still crazy, after all these years.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a great time! I probably would have been crying at the dolphin show too. I teared up when we saw three dolphins playing in the wild at the beach this summer. Swimming with a dolphin is something that's on my bucket list.

    And dang, y'all are a good looking family. ;)
