Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Pea’s Adventure

So, last night was interesting!  We put the babies to bed around 8 as usual, and everyone seemed to settle down pretty well (except for the forty-five extra questions Matthew had about Very Important Things like ‘what are they having for school lunch two weeks from tomorrow’ and such).  Around 9:30 or so, Matt and I headed to bed-we pulled the gate closed at the top of the stairs so Chass would not be able to come up and snore right outside our door.(her favorite nighttime trick)  About 10 minutes after we turned off the light we hear a giant thump and then the sound of the gate being opened. We figured Chass had finally figured the gate out, so I went out ready to scold.  Instead, I find lil’ Pea…carrying a GIANT teddy bear down the stairs. 

“HANNAH!  What are you doing?”

Crickets..and the sound of Hannah ignoring me and continuing down the stairs and toward the kitchen.

“Hannah?  Yoo-hoo!”

Still nothing.  Apparently the child is a sleepwalker.  I guess the big bear was no longer welcome in her room. Or he just needed a snack.   She ended up carrying him all the way down to the kitchen and putting him on the counter where he spent the night.

sleep walking 001

I followed her downstairs and carried her back up…her eyes were open but she would never respond to anything I said.  It was a little creepy!!

Also creepy is the fact that Chass has been outside our door for at least two other mornings which means…this might not have been Hannah’s only nighttime adventure!  We are going to start hard-latching the gate (we really only had it slightly latched before). 

As you can imagine, Pea is a little grumpy and tired this morning…I wanted to take a picture of her in her brand new fabulous giraffe jammies that Auntie Gin found for her (among other treasuresSmile)….and I did get the picture…but Hannah was not happy!

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That may look like a smile, but trust me…it’s not.  And that was all I could get-she refused any more photos.  Girlfriend apparently needs her coffee before she is photo ready.

I also had a nice little flashback this morning.  Check out what Ben’s wearing today:

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(Btw-he also needs his coffee.)  Remember Matthew’s favorite airplane shirt??

Airplane shirt2

That he wore all the time??

Airplane shirt1

Well Ben has finally grown into it…time sure does fly!! 

sleep walking 002


  1. Hurray! Great update :) I think you've officially inspired me to finally update my own blog.

  2. love the airplane shirt! so hard to believe! Tell Pea that Aunt Jenni used to do the same thing. My parents found me on the deck one night with ALL my stuffed animals, and I had a LOT!! Multiple trips up and down the stairs!

  3. SOOOOOO SWEET!! That naughty bear just needed kitchen time I guess :-) The airplane shirt (and flashback pictures) were precious!!!
