Thursday, March 10, 2011

Getting Back To Blogging

So yeah.  I’m slack.  I have a lot to post…mostly pictures, but they are all on my other computer (how convenient!).  But I got a couple of pictures of Matthew and Ben on this computer, so that is what you are getting.  Lately I’ve noticed that Matthew has really been bonding with BenBen…in fact at school he wrote the following “story”:

My Baby Brother Ben

My baby brother Ben is nice.  Some times he hits me.  But I still love him.  I canot wate till the weekend so I can play with him.  Ben likes me.  Ben also likes balls and trucks.  Ben likes my beach ball I have.  And ben plays with my solgers.  I love ben.  the end. 


And Matthew is exactly what Ben needs.  All Ben wants to do is roughhouse and wrestle and yell and throw and hit and generally be a boy.  Mama’s just not good at all that.  However in spite of all his boy-ness, he does (occasionally) take a minute to relax and enjoy a good book:

Matthew Ben 003

Matthew Ben 004

Matthew Ben 006

Thank goodness Matthew knows how to read!! 

Pea starts gymnastics tomorrow so I will have some pictures of that.  She is very very excited at the prospect of meeting new friends-and I am excited too.  Hannah tends to be a bit…talkative (she ran her mouth for an entire 35 minute stroller ride.  Not sure she even paused to take a breath.)  I think it will be good for her to have another outlet for all the many many things she has to say-ha!!


  1. Aww :) So very proud of my godson-seeing as how I'm directly responsible LOL. Can't believe how much Ben Ben has changed since I last saw him! Looking forward to hearing about Hannah's class.

  2. Precious Precious Precious!!! I love the story by Matthew!!! I can't wait to see Hannah at Gymnastics!!!

  3. Awww, that is so sweet. I wish my kids were close. I guess it's because they're boy/girl. I've actually been semi-contemplating making them share a room because they do seem to get along when forced to. LOL!
