Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Zoo, Charleston and Ben’s Birthday, In 35 Words Or Less

So yes.  I am a bit behind on reporting around here, but I’ve been busy!  Losing my keys and stuff!  (which,  by the way, I was able to retrieve with minimal embarrassment to Caitlin.  Matt was spared.  This time.)  Also:  I realized that next time-and we all know there is going to be a next time-it would be okay to call a friend for a ride, or sympathy, or both.   BE READY.  So since I am so backed up…you get the quick and dirty on what we’ve been up to in the last two weeks of July:

We started out with a trip to the G’ville zoo thanks to the kindness of a great friend (love ya, Leah!) who provided us with FREE PASSES!  FOR ALL OF US!! WHICH IS KIND OF A LOT OF PASSES!! It was a great trip and a great way to break up the five hour drive to Charleston.  Here are the highlights:

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Matt and Ben, checking out the GI-NORMOUS elephants.

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Matthew loved the reptile house!  Mommy loved the thick glass that separated us from the reptiles in the reptile house. 

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Token picture on the iron lions.

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See ya, guys!

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Taking a break from the animals to play

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The lion was RIGHT next to the glass.  Glass, which once again, mommy was grateful for.  He had some big chompers!

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The monkeys were definitely the highlight-we got to feed them the zoo crackers (minus the ones Ben ate).

After the zoo, we were on our way to Charleston!  The drive was pretty uneventful aside from the inevitable traffic 10 miles from our hotel. 

When we got there we really tried to go through and see as much of Charleston as we could.  We saw the Market, the Battery and checked out lots of possible restaurant sites for Caitlin’s Café. We also went by CofC and saw the house I lived in in Charleston (fondly called The Brothel.  Not for what you think!  It’s because when I lived there Charleston had a weird ordinance that decreed that any house where 6 or more girls lived was considered a brothel.  We had seven girls!)

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Hannah was a bit sleep deprived.  She refused to smile for the camera.

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On the cannon at the Battery

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Playing under the live Oaks at the Battery

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At “RB’s”…a great little seafood restaurant at Shem’s Creek.  They had an aquarium at our table (behind C and M) with an EEL in it!!  Matthew kept showing the eel the menu.  I think the eel was scared to look in case he was on it.)

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The Boys

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The Girls

We also went over to Isle of Palms so we could get our beach fix in:

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Ben loved the shallow water for kick-splashing. 

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Cute shot of Pea and Daddy

One of the coolest parts about our hotel was the pond located directly behind it-which was fully stocked with turtles!  Who evidently love white bread:

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The kids had a blast feeding them from the free breakfast buffet-

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Eventually it was time to go home-but we really had a great time.  Charleston was so much fun and we will certainly go again!

When we got back, it was time for TheBen to officially turn two (he’s been terrible for some time now).  We had  family come over for swimming, cake and presents.  The theme was Mickey Mouse Clubhouse…which is Ben’s favorite

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Dee kindly helped out with the present opening.

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And, as a special bonus…

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we let Ben go pants-free for his party.  Just what he always wanted!

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Tomorrow is the bigkids first day back to school, and Pea starts preschool on Tuesday.    I will have some first day of school pictures to post soon.  I also anticipate my sanity returning soon (YAY!).  Talk to ya soon Smile

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