Tuesday, August 9, 2011

This Happened a While Ago

…but I didn’t want to not report it.  Even though it’s about fishing.  Grody.

Before school started, Matt wanted to take the kids fishing.  They love fishing (clearly not my children.  Mommy and fish are not friends.  Ew) and Matt loves fishing so he planned a morning to take them to a local park that has a smallish pond filled with sunfish/bream/ginormous turtles.  I was hoping to hang out at home and do something more fun, like scrub the floors or clean out the garage, but Matt said he needed me there for moral support. (read: four against one is not happening). 

So we loaded up with the four kids, the dog, 4 fishing rods and a loaf of bread.  Clampett style. 

We got to the pond and after 25 minutes and two stuck thumbs (I’m clumsy) they started fishing.  I volunteered to not fish take pictures…I’ll let them tell the rest of the story:

Pea.  A natural:


Check out her big catch:


Yes.  That is a stick.  But it’s more than anyone else caught!




More Waiting.


And even more waiting.  But in her case, it was waiting for a chance to sneak over and eat the bait. 

Finally we changed locations. 


This bridge looked promising…we actually saw a fish or two swimming around.  That is until Hannah managed to drop her beloved ‘pinksparkle’ flip flop in to the water…she was devastated!  As bad as it was…there was a silver lining.  It finally gave Matt an opportunity to show off his mad fishing skills!


That was all Matt caught that day.  One stinky (but much loved) pink flip flop.  I suppose it’s better than an old boot.  Ha! 

However this was not the worst part of the day.  The worst part happened when Matt needed a break from all the not catching fish and made me take over for a few minutes.  And then this happened:


I think this was my punishment for laughing hysterically when Matt only caught the flip flop.  Stupid Karma.   

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