Wednesday, April 28, 2010

"The problem with a kitten is that....

eventually it becomes a cat." Which is something we found out over the past year or so. Remember about two years ago when NotOurCat Emma had babies and brought them over? Well NotOurOtherCat "Patti" (one of Emma's babies) is all grown up now. So grown up that she has her own little kittens. Four (so far) to be exact. Guess how I know? Because I caught the little bugger this afternoon hauling her baby kittens (by mouth) all the way from the house next door (which is not even her own house) to OUR house. Yep! Hiding in our bushes we now have this:
Look closely...see the little black face?

Up close...

The kitten tried to get away and mom swatted her-

 A little later they came out to play...

Count, two...and a tail-

"Uh...guys?  I seem to be STUCKSTUCKSTUCK!"

Pretty baby

Nope.  I'm not getting attached.  At all.

I love love LOVE the tiny-tail-sticking-straight-in-the-air...

Matt is SO going to kill me. I think I'll tell him I'm ready to have another baby. Then maybe he'll let me keep the kittens....


  1. I love you dearly but you are a SUCKER for a sweet baby anything in need of taking care of!!! Do NOT tell Hubby you want another may be taking care of him after his heart attack. Heehee.

  2. Also, if you tell him that, you may JINX yourself! LOL!

    Those kittens are too precious and I would love to have one, but alas, Ollie's allergies prevent us from getting one.
