Monday, August 2, 2010

Back to School

First day of school! I cannot believe it. This summer did not exactly fly by with my school schedule from hell, but my time with the kids definitely seemed too short. The kids are in uniforms this year, which is the only reason Caitlin is wearing a "boy shirt"...after some grumbling about it I think she has finally resigned herself. But! She has assured me that she will be changing every day after school. (Yay! More laundry.)
Matthew ended up with Caitlin's teacher from last year, which he was happy about (and so was I)..Caitlin has a teacher that I don't know much about, but who seems really nice. Unfortunately Caitlin doesn't have any of her friends from last year in her class...poor girl-when she saw the list of kids I could just see her starting to stress out. It took her a while to make close friends last year and I know she hates having to start all over. But she'll do fine. As I dropped Matthew off at his class I spent a few minutes talking to his teacher and then said goodbye to Matthew...but he was way too busy getting settled in to pay any attention to me! I suppose it's better than crying, right?
It feels really wierd not having the bigkids home right now...Pea and Ben are sitting here playing/fighting together and they are really reminding me of Lil' C and Matthew at that age...better not blink I guess...before I know it these two will be off to school!

1 comment:

  1. They started school TODAY? I thought we started back early (we start this Friday). They look so grown up in that picture. I'm not sure how I'd feel if my kids had to wear uniforms. I can see benefits either way.
