Thursday, August 12, 2010

Ben's Stats

Boring post y'all, but I wanted it for my records.  I'll be back with some pictures soon.  (as soon as I figure out how to fix my camera that is.  Thanks Ben!)

Yesterday was Ben's one year appointment-four shots and two toe pricks!!  He took it like a man and the shots seemed to have no effect on him.  Here are his stats:

Head: 50th percentile
Weight: at 21.1 lbs he is in the 25th percentile
Length (which is height now I guess ;)) can't remember his number but he's in the 97th percentile. 

He's pretty much following in the footsteps of his oldest sister and brother who always measured tall and
skinny.  Pea has always been short and stocky in her measurements. 

They had to prick his toe twice because his first hemoglobin reading was a bit low...the second came out a higher but still slightly lower than expected.  The doctor did not seem overly concerned.

He is hitting all of the appropriate milestones except for waving bye bye (which none of the kids did.  I think we just don't wave bye bye that much) and his speech is slightly lagging.  He can say the words mama and dada, but not really on purpose.  He is mostly just using the piercing scream to communicate these days!

Overall he's doing well-he has almost all of his teeth already-two eyeteeth have come in and the other two are lurking right below the surface. 

Lately Ben has started doing a LOT of crawling and crying, which I attributed to teeth, but recently I changed his schedule so that he is back to two naps  I had him on one nap at the same time as Hannah so that I could have a few hours in the middle of the day to eat bonbons and watch soaps work around the house, but it just was NOT working for him.  Since I've switched him to a nap around 930 and 3, he is the happiest, sweetest kid ever.  So nice to have my boy back...totally worth the alone time in the middle of the day!

It's about that time, so I'm going to get him his bottle of milk (yes, he's still on the bottle.  The doc gave me three months to wean him.  I'll start in two and a half months)

1 comment:

  1. I'm sooooooo impressed!!!! David does best on 0930 and 3pm naps too :-) I bet Ben is taller than David!!!! Thanks for updating!!!
