Monday, August 9, 2010

Hi Everyone!

Caitlin here, reporting live, from the shoe.  My mom is busy (of course) except now it's not school, it's theBen who needs juice or golfish or someone's soul, I'm not sure.  Anyway, thought I'd give you an update on whats really been going on. 
So, I'm in second grade now, which means I'm pretty much eight.  Well actually I won't be eight until October 17, (which is sooner than Hannah's birthday by the way) but still I'm the oldest around here, and GRACIOUS that is a big job.  What with all the helping Pea get out of her carseat, or keeping theBen happy, or even making sure Matthew is NOT wearing socks with holes, it is a MAJOR undertaking.  But Daddy tells me it's okay, he was the oldest too, and he lived through it so I'm gonna make it too.  But back to me, I'm doing GREAT in second grade.  I have three great friends, and a couple of other friends too.  Oh, and Zachary, from last year is also my friend again, even though he's not in my class.  I know he is because today and yesterday he was chasing me on the playground.  I love being faster than him!!
Anyway, Matthew has my teacher from last year, and I think he's doing fine.  I told my old teacher that if she needed ANYTHING regarding Matthew, to let me know, because I can totally handle it.  I also coached Matthew about how to handle first grade.  Especially how NOT to make your teachers think your mom is ghetto, cuz y'all I got in MAJOR trouble for that one. 
Hannah continues to plague me, you guys.  Seriously, how many times does a person have to say 'STOP COPYING ME HANNAH' before she actually stops????   Like, I'm upstairs, minding my own business throwing stuff down the stairs to see what was the loudest (bag of blocks wins, FYI) and she's all "Cake-Yin.  Let me frow too!  I frow stretch!" And I'm all, "NO!  STOP COPYING ME HANNAH!"  and then she's all like, "I FROW BALL!"  and then I have to be all, "NO! STOP COPYING ME HANNAH!"  and then she's all, "I FROW BEN!???!"  And then I have to be all, "MOMMY!!! HANNAH'S THROWING BEN DOWN THE STAIRS!!!"
And y'all know how I hate tattling. 

Anyway, there's not much to say about Ben except he's walking and eating stuff.  Like dog food.  But Mommy says we all ate dog food and its full of protein so he'll be fine, so I'm not worried about that. So really everything at the Shoe is great!!!  I have to sign off now because it's bedtime but don't worry.  I'll be back soon!!!
Love, Caitlin


  1. SO CUTE!! When will Hannah post?......

  2. LOVE IT! Love it, love it, love it!

    Mom says we all ate dogfood and it's full of protein so it's fine -- LMAO!
