Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sunday Runday

 Running has always been important to Matt and me...whether we are actually doing it, or just talking about how we should be doing it...we both agree that it's a good thing.  (We also agree that it is more fun to think about than actually do.)  Caitlin and Matthew have picked up on this and probably about a year ago started asking if they could go with us.  As a child who HAD to go run (thanks, dad!) I pretty much thought they were insane, so I ignored their request.  Eventually however, I couldn't take it anymore.  I gave in.  The evil part of me thought that if I take them on a challenging run, maybe they would hate it and stop asking, because frankly, going running by myself is tough enough, and the idea of having two rugrats tagging along and slowing me down did not appeal.  So I took them on a nice two that involved two BIG hills at the end.  Two things happened: One: they loved it.  Two: they ran faster than me.  Total backfire!  However because they do like it and I know it's good for them, we have made it into our Sunday routine.  Saturday I make my day to either run alone or come up with a plausible excuse not to run. (usually the latter.  BUT!  When I do run, it's five miles! Go me!)  But Sunday is our day.  Either Matt or I usually take them on the same two mile run and they do it so well.  I think they are actually ready to go a little longer.  They have figured out how to break the run down into small pieces and it becomes manageable and they really don't complain.  I can tell when it gets tough for Matthew because he will throw his hands up and push the air in front of him (his way of 'pushing' himself.  Pretty cute.)  They are so different though...I think of them as the tortoise and the hare...Caitlin is a total tortoise, not because she is slow by any means, but because she can maintain a steady pace regardless of terrain.  Matthew is the hare because he runs in fits and starts...also regardless of terrain.  Sometimes he will sprint up hills and walk/jog down the hills.  They are both terrific runners though and I really hope to see them in Cross Country when the time comes.
Here they are...right after a run.  If they look a little too happy it's because I just bought them each a GIANT Gatorade. 

Hannah wanted to be in the picture too.  She is dying to go with us too, but is just a bit too small.  Matt will sometimes take her on a mini jog.  He says she has a bright future ahead of her :)  

They wanted to do running poses...I think they are reaching for the finish line...either that or they are super duper constipated.

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