Thursday, November 10, 2011


Good Morning!   Just a few things to report, so I think it will be a bullet day.

-Sports are officially over!  I am a little bit sad about this…I had a great time coaching Caitlin’s team-we had our end of the year party and the girls were so sweet!  The other coach and I agreed to work together again in the Spring, which I am excited about.  Matthew’s team ended up going completely undefeated this year and won the big trophy!  Matt even got his own trophy for being a superior first base coach.  This is the first year that Matt and I had as much fun as the kids during sports! 

-So, our dryer broke.  I am pretty sure either a belt slipped off or broke, but we will have to wait until Friday to find out.  While short term this makes me super happy (NO LAUNDRY TO FOLD!) I can’t imagine how long it will take me to catch up once it is fixed.  If you don’t hear from me for a few days it’s because I am buried under all the laundry. 

-Last night Chass was up on my lap (I know) and I found a bit of a lump on her belly.  I was a little freaked out, but thought it might be okay.  And then I started googling.  HUGE MISTAKE.  I have now convinced myself that she has cancer and have made an appointment to have it looked at this morning.  Hopefully it’s just a fatty something.  (which would totally make sense…she has plenty of fatty deposits surrounding her rear end.)

-In other pet news, turns out our cat is actually a Labrador retriever.  Last night she caught and killed a squirrel (which she was throwing up in the air and catching-EW).  Matt scooped it up and hurled it back into the woods.  This morning, I stepped out to the garage (BARE FOOTED) and nearly stepped on the very same grey squirrel.  Patti was looking at us like, ‘throw it again! throw it again!’.  Stupid cat. 

-I subbed this week which meant that Pea and Ben went to the babysitter for a full day.  Pea always complains about going to the sitters but she had a great time.  When I got there she wasn’t even that excited to see me…just kept playing with her toys.  Ben has a buddy over there that he likes to play with-she is an adorable little girl..I think he has a crush.  Overall I  am really glad to have found such a good babysitter…she is flexible and has a lot of experience in childcare.  If only I could convince her to potty train Ben!  (who has absolutely zero interest in using the potty). 

-Jokes are a big deal around here these days, especially on car rides.  Caitlin and Matthew have been trying to tell jokes for probably a year, and they have come a LOOOOONG way.  When they first started telling jokes it was like, ‘Why did the chair go to the library?”  “Because it was Tuesday!”  And then they’d die laughing.   Sunday though, we were on our way to Sunday school and Caitlin busts out with, “What is musical that you wear on your head?”.  “A HEADBAND!”  Amazing!  A joke with a punchline that actually makes sense!!  Which is nice because Hannah and Ben have now joined the game and it is painful.  Hannah’s jokes are worse that C & M’s early ones…she puts nonsense words in there and fully expects big laughter when she finishes.  Ben’s whole joke is nonsense too…he’s only got the ‘why’ part down, so it’s like, “hunuh joke:  Why sini; asjio;dfjkl;asjklf;sjak;joa;?  Cuz jfaslo;fjdskiaof;djklsd;!!!  HAHAHAH!!”  Needless to say this makes the 10 minute drive to school verrrrrrry long…

Gotta run…time to get Chass ready for her doggie appointment.  I’ll keep you posted! 


  1. I love your updates!! It's like being there!! I think the jokes are histerical and wish you could get them on camera!!!! Praying for Chassie!!!

  2. I'm still laughing about the chair-library-Tuesday joke.
    Yup. Still funny.

    Love the update - hope Chass is OK. I'm telling her what you said about her being a fatty though...
