Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday Update

AH!!!  Pea is giving up her nap!!  Isn't it too soon for that?  This week she napped only one out of five days.  I think she has figured out that if she doesn't nap, mommy will usually let her play mario kart (so as to preserve mommy's quiet time, which is very important!)  She is usually in a pretty good mood for the rest of the afternoon even when she doesn’t nap, so this is probably about the right time.  As sad as I am about this, I’m starting to realize the freedom that comes with no naps.  I just wonder what it’s going to be like when Ben’s not napping…and I’m not tied to the house for three hours in the middle of the day…It’s going to be strange!!

Speaking of strange…y’all need to see Pea’s hair today:

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Crimped hair!!  She loves it:

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Last night Matthew had a late (715) ball game, (which they won!!!) so after I put Ben to bed, ‘us girls’ put on a girly movie (Angelina Ballerina) and I braided their wet hair into a million tiny braids so they would wake up with eighties rocker hair.  Caitlin was so thrilled about this…and she looked adorable too:



Daddy?  Was not so thrilled.  In typical man fashion, he flipped out because SOMETHING HAD UNEXPECTEDLY CHANGED.  He came downstairs all huffy and asked if I had seen Caitlin’s hair. 

“Yes, I did  that to her hair!  Isn’t she precious??”

“NO!  She looks like some rocker punk child from the eighties!!  You better take a picture of that because it will NOT be happening again!  I’m not having my daughter going to school like that!!”. 

I laughed, calmed him down and suggested that there were worse things that our daughter could wear to school, and that we better just leave this alone. 

The kids sports are really in full gear now-Matthew had THREE games this week and Caitlin has two games and a practice.  Pea is still enjoying gymnastics even though she still doesn’t follow directions-just runs around playing on all the equipment.  Here are a few of the pictures of all the fun:

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Matthew warming up in the circle.


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Racing between bases

Hannah…doing something random:

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These pictures are so bad, but I couldn’t figure out how to use the flash without it reflecting me as well.  So you get me and Hannah.

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I have some of Caitlin on the soccer fields, but they are on the other computer, so I’ll post later. 

For now, I’m going to enjoy the rest of today with no practices or games!  Happy Friday!


  1. Happy Friday!!!! There is NOTHING wrong with eighties rocker hair!! Precious!!!

  2. Love the update, and I am cracking up about the hair!! Matt's definitely going to have much bigger battles...LOL.
