Friday, May 13, 2011

The End Of Sports

Sports for the kids wrapped up this week…this morning Pea had her last gymnastics session, and C’s soccer officially ended last night after a disappointing loss to a team they had previously beaten.  It’s been a great season for her overall and we have really loved her coach.  He has been as encouraging and positive as her previous coach (who we had originally hoped to get this year) was.  I have really learned to appreciate the parent volunteers who coach these kids!! 

I have also learned something about myself in this season of sports that is..not so positive.  I may, or may not be…one of Those Parents.  You know, the one who is really, shall we say…vocal on the sidelines?  The mom who is yelling insults about the opposing coaches mama because her kids team is losing?  Yeah.  That might be me.  But I don’t understand where this came from!   When I played soccer/ran cross country I was always okay if a team I was on did not win.  I was there to do my best and enjoy the game.  But when my kids are playing it somehow becomes personal. (For those of you who are rolling your eyes, just you wait.  I didn’t think it would happen to me either.)   Caitlin and Matthew tend to take wins and losses in stride…on the ride home from losses, I am the one complaining about the other teams methods/coach/mothers, while they discuss the rival merits of cheezits vs. chips-a-hoy as a post game snack choice. 

It’s probably better this way..I mean..some kids cry after a bad game.  My kids may lack the competitive spirit to become major league players, but I’m okay with that.  I’ll take the heartburn, as long as they enjoy the game . 

Hannah Gymnastics 025

1 comment:

  1. Ok - great post, so glad to know I'm not the only one who sometimes turns into "THAT parent". At least we are aware of it??
