Sunday, May 8, 2011

A Happy Mother’s Day Morning

7am.  My Room. 
“Good Morning Mommy!! Matthew and I got Ben up!  And!! And!!  We changed his diaper!  And!! It was pooooooooopy!!”
(ruh-roh.  they’ve never changed a diaper.  Especially not a poopy one.)
“Wow!  Terrific! That’s great! Erm…did daddy help you?"
“Nope!  Well, actually only after, but we did the most of it.”
At this point Matt walks in and I can immediately tell that I better get the rest of the story from him. 
“Alright guys!  Well, go on downstairs and I’ll be down in a minute. And thanks!”
Well, apparently when Matt went downstairs, Ben was on his way up with a diaper hanging halfway down one leg.  Matthew and Caitlin told daddy that they had changed him and that it was poopy.  When he asked them what they had used to wipe him (the wipes have been MIA since last night), they said wet toiletpaper…ew!  And also they had been responsible enough to put the poopy diaper outside.  In the garage.  Ew #2. 
So Matt redid the diaper change (after finding wipes), removed the poopy diaper from the garage thus shielding me from waking up on mothers day to a nekkid, poopy baby and a garage full of stink.  I love that man. 
And don’t I have thoughtful children?  I can’t think of anything nicer than them letting mommy sleep in and (attempting to) take care of a smelly baby.  I am a blessed mama!
Hope all the mommies have a wonderful Mother’s day!!


  1. What a thoughtful bunch!!!!! No poopy's like Christmas, birthday and Mothers Day all rolled onto one!!!!

  2. Oh wow that is awesome. On so many levels haha.
    Happy Mother's Day!
