Friday, May 6, 2011

Wish I’d Had My Camera…

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…when this happened without me having to ‘re-pose’ them.  Ben was clearly still feeling poorly yesterday morning and walked right up to Hannah and gave her the sweetest hug!  Of course my camera was up 15 stairs at the other end of the house and by the time I had retrieved it…they were back to whacking one another with My Little Ponies. 

So in typical mommy fashion-I made them do it again: (‘HUG HIM DAMMIT!!’) and the effect is not quite as good-

Sweetbabies 001

(in fact Ben looks pretty scared here) but I didn’t want to forget this Smile

In other news…today the perks of growing up seem..well..not so perky.  Caitlin and Matthew went to school wearing comfy pajamas (Yes, I’m still in mine but I will have to change at some point today, shutup) armed with movies and blankets.  They will spend the day eating popcorn, watching movies, playing outside and generally being bum-a reward for excellent fundraising efforts.  Wish I was going to school today!  (haha just kidding I’m NEVER going back to school). 

Happy Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha - you write SO well. This was so sweet and cracked me up at the same time. Great post :)
