Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Our First Summer Project

So, we survived the first week off of school-thanks to a lot of pool time and Matt taking Friday off.  We celebrated our annual “May 29th” with the kids-slightly downgraded from last year but still lots of fun.  Caitlin and I went out for Mexican food (where she ordered grilled shrimp.  How Mexican!) and Matt and Matthew went out for dinner at a local sports bar to catch part of a Braves game.  On Sunday we had a great barbecue with Matt’s family-the weather was awesome and Matt’s barbecue turned out really well!  Then Monday we spent the day recovering from all the weekend fun. 

This week, I decided to start our first summer project with the kids.  I was at Kroger the other day and they had a big basket of seeds on clearance.  I picked out a few packs and decided we were going to grow some veggies! 

First I found an old egg carton and cut it into three sections-one for each of the three oldest.  (something tells me that Ben is not quite ready.)  I poked holes in the bottom and used the top of the egg carton as a tray to go underneath:


Then we labeled our seed containers with initials of the child and then each individual cup with the type of seed we were planting.  I had four different varieties (it was all that was left among the clearance seeds)-radishes, lettuce and two types of carrots.


We filled the little planters with soil:


…and planted our seeds


I had a medicine dropper for watering to ensure that my eager gardeners did not overwater-



And then I made a few backup plants with the extra seeds in case someone’s doesn’t work out.  (or if Ben decides to satisfy his curiosity…)


So now we wait!  The kids had so much fun with the tomato plants last year, so I really hope this project is as successful. 

In addition to this new little veggie garden, we have also grown strawberries:


and the apple seeds we grew from seeds last year (or maybe the year before) are also thriving.  We are a regular farm around here!



  1. You are quite the horticulturalist!!!! I am soo impressed!!!

  2. Love this idea, ML! So fun! My kids would love to do it, so I might steal it ;) Hope your summer continues going well!

  3. Great post :) The pictures you took are so good!!
